THURSDAY 23rd July,2020

 TOPIC: God cannot be stranded
   Text:     Matt 3:9 “And don’t presume you can get away with merely saying to yourselves, ‘But we’re Abraham’s descendants!’ For I tell you, God can awaken these stones to become sons of Abraham!”

Let's start with this song
Yoruba:Emi ni o lo fun ogo re oluwa, mafi okuta ropo mi o oba olola
English: Use me for your glory o lord, dont replace me with stone the mighty one

God created everything for his pleasure, we are created and we have to serve him. Let ask ourselves this question
Why will God be STRANDED?
He is God over all universe, if we dont do it, he will raise stones and trees to do it.A lot of people in the lords vineyard think that without them, God's work wont go well,Please keep your Pride.

Take  a look at the offices we work, let say you leave the current job and go to another company, Have you ever taught of how the people in the company will miss you? How will they cope? Will they find someone who will be dedicated like you? DON'T BE DECEIVED

The truth is they will get someone better than you, someone who aligns with the company's vision, Mission and more.
That is how it is with God
Even before you step out , a replacement is already lurking around the corner waiting to pick up the mantle . Someone who is ready to work more,to dedicate and sacrifice more than you can imagine.
God is never STRANDED if you are privileged to work for him,please do with all your heart and mind.

PRAYER: Dear Lord please never dethrone me because of my attitude to your work. Amen

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